Bixby is a 56 lb, 3 year old happy, high energy boy. He will be joining SWESR Rupert and his new parents in CA.
Bixby is a 56 lb, 3 year old happy, high energy boy. He will be joining SWESR Rupert and his new parents in CA.
Fifteen month old Merle is one of the Junction Nine. He will be heading to his new family including ES Bowie near Ft. Worth, TX. Lucky boy!
Jupiter was rescued with his brother Neptune from a UT shelter. His previous owner didn’t have the time and experience for this 8 month old busy Setter boy. Jupiter is being adopted by his foster family in Salt Lake City, UT.
Two year old Titus is being adopted by his foster family in Verona, VA. He has 2 young children, a Lab and fenced acreage to keep him busy. Lucky boy!