Helpful Links
Helpful Links
Here are some websites which we recommend for information about English Setters, common health issues for dogs, other links that may be helpful for dog owners and search links for those looking to adopt.
Wikipedia about English Setters.
SWESR’s “Is An English Setter Right For You?” article about a Setter’s energy level, hunting instincts, and love of people, with video examples, can be found here.
Information about heartworm disease, prevention and treatment:
Click here to learn the facts about Heartworm Disease on an FDA site.
You’ll find information on this site about Bloat, a serious health risk.
Here is a reference guide detailing Bloat symptoms and what actions to take.
Here is a good article about your dog’s tongue as an indicator of his health.
Here is a good explanation about “Littermate Syndrome” and why we don’t adopt two littermate pups to the same home.
This site is a tool to help you make an informed decision when buying dog food.
Allergic to your pet? Click here for some helpful suggestions to consider.
Here is a great article on children and dog interactions. It is titled Good Dogs Don’t Bite Children, Do They?
Here is a great article on dog parks. It is titled “The Dog Park is Bad, Actually”
Here are 20 Facts for Dog Lovers. These life lessons are sometimes easy to forget in our hectic lives, but when you remember that you are your dog’s whole world, these 20 truths are unforgettable.
Adopter Search Links:
Southwest English Setter Rescue (SWESR) is a regional rescue group, and unfortunately, there are English Setters at risk in shelters all over the country. No single local, regional or national breed rescue group could ever do enough to ensure the safety of all these dogs. We have a vision of a time when there is a strong rescue network of English Setter rescuers working together all over the country that will be able to react quickly and efficiently to ensure the safety of Setters that far too often are found stray or abandoned with only a few days to live in a shelter.
We’re happy to provide these links to other sites to help you find a Setter whether directly from a shelter or from our rescue group or another. It is all about finding homes for English Setters in need! Some of these sites have excellent search capabilities so you can specify your preferred breed (English Setter!),age, gender and your location.
Pet Harbor:
Adopt a Pet: